California has enacted a law that bans all plastic bags in stores

 California grocery stores will no longer be able to offer the option of paper or plastic bags, thanks to a new law signed by Governor Gavin Newsom on Sunday that bans all plastic bags for shopping.

Plastic bags have already been banned in supermarkets and other stores across California, but customers could still purchase thicker plastic bags that were supposed to be reusable and recyclable.

The new initiative, which was approved by state legislators last month, bans all plastic bags starting in 2026. Customers who don't bring their own bags will now only have the option of using a paper bag for their purchases.
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State Senator Catherine Blakespear, one of the bill's proponents, said that people were not reusing or recycling their plastic bags.

She referenced a statewide study that showed the amount of plastic bags disposed of per person increased from 3.6 kilograms per year in 2004 to 5 kilograms in 2021.

Democrat Blakespear said the plastic bag ban passed 10 years ago didn’t reduce overall plastic use.

"We are literally choking our planet with plastic waste," she declared in February.

The environmental nonprofit organization Oceana praised the measure and congratulated Newsom for "protecting California's coasts, marine life, and communities from single-use plastic bags."

Christy Leavitt, Oceana’s plastics campaign director, stated on Sunday that the new ban on single-use plastic bags at store checkouts "cements California as a leader in combating the global plastic pollution crisis."

California is one of 12 states that already have some type of statewide plastic bag ban, according to the environmental group Environment America Research & Policy Center. Additionally, hundreds of cities in 28 states have their own plastic bag restrictions.