Ken Salazar affirms that the new US immigration regularization plan will allow families to be kept together

The United States ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, stated this Tuesday that the new immigration regularization plan signed by Joe Biden will allow families to be kept together and young people to contribute to the country's economy “while we continue to secure the border and reduce irregular migration”.

Through a statement, Ken Salazar indicated that with these measures implemented now, young people who were in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program “will be able to obtain a work visa in two weeks.” instead of waiting six months.”

Likewise, the ambassador pointed out that Joe Biden's new policy will also benefit the spouses of American citizens where they will be able to request a temporary stay permit in the country, which would protect them from deportation and would provide them with work permits if they have lived in the United States. United for at least 10 years.
In total, the ambassador considered that with this measure for people married to Americans he could benefit 320 thousand Mexicans.

Likewise, the request for a temporary stay permit may also be made by “adopted children of US citizens under 21 years of age with parents married to US citizens.”

“This determination only applies to the aforementioned people who meet these criteria, so we will continue to apply our immigration laws and whoever enters the United States irregularly will face the consequences,” the statement reads.

Ken Salazar once again asked migrants who are in Mexico to "not be fooled by coyotes, because the law will continue to be applied with all determination."

With this new policy, Biden would make use of a power that not only provides protection against deportation and work permits, but also eliminates a legal barrier to allow migrants who meet certain requirements to apply for permanent residence and, eventually, become naturalized. It is a power that has already been used for other categories of migrants, such as members of the military or their family members who lack legal status.