Texas man sues wife for having a legal abortion in another state - NewssMex US


Friday, May 3, 2024

Texas man sues wife for having a legal abortion in another state


The court case that has captured public attention involves Collin Davis, who has filed a lawsuit against his ex-partner for having had an abortion in the state of Colorado. This raises a legal debate about the scope of abortion laws.

Davis has called for an investigation into her ex-partner, arguing that her action constitutes an illegal act under Texas state law, which prohibits most abortions as of 2021.

Although the abortion took place in February in Colorado, where it is legal, Davis has hired attorney Jonathan Mitchel, known for his focus on pushing Texas abortion laws to the extreme.

This case has led to legal threats by Davis toward the woman, who has expressed his intention to sue people and organizations involved in what he calls “the murder of her unborn child,” according to unsealed legal documents.

Davis has expressed her intention to thoroughly investigate the circumstances of the abortion to pursue legal action for wrongful death against those involved in the termination of the pregnancy.

The debate over this case intensifies when considering that it is involving people in an abortion that, according to the law, is legal in the state of Colorado, highlighting the efforts of some groups to take the abortion ban to the extreme.

The Texas legislation, passed in 2021, establishes jail terms and fines for those who help a woman have an abortion, but not for women who decide to terminate their pregnancy.

This case raises the possibility of civil lawsuits by men against pregnant women who choose, within legal limits, to terminate their pregnancies, sparking an ongoing legal debate about the rights and responsibilities surrounding abortion.