“We will remain firm with Ukraine”: Biden maintains that US soldiers will not participate in the war with Russia, but support will continue

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, reaffirmed this Saturday his decision not to send American soldiers to the war in Ukraine, although he reinforced his position of continuing to support the country against the Russian invasion.

“There are no American soldiers in the war in Ukraine (…) I am determined to keep it that way,” Biden said during his speech at the graduation of the United States Military Academy at West Point, about 65 kilometers from the city of New York.
The US chief executive also told the more than a thousand graduating cadets that his country will not walk away from Ukraine and described US soldiers as working tirelessly to support Kyiv in its effort to repel a two-year Russian invasion. years.

“We stand firm with Ukraine and will continue to stand by its side,” Biden said to applause from the crowd.

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The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, has recently asked Western countries that send him military aid - such as the United States, France or the United Kingdom - to allow him to attack infrastructure located within the Russian Federation from which the rival Army attacks Ukrainian territory. .

On the other hand, the president of the United States highlighted the fundamental role of his country's support for its allies around the world, including Israel and in the Indo-Pacific.

In fact, he specified the importance they had in neutralizing the Iranian attacks against Israel in April and their support for Indo-Pacific allies in the face of China's growing militarism in the region.

“Thanks to the United States Armed Forces, we are doing what only the United States can do as an indispensable nation, the only superpower in the world,” he stated.

In addition, the president, who did not mention Donald Trump - his possible rival for re-election - emphasized values that Democrats have been holding for months that would be threatened if the Republican politician returns to the White House: freedom and equal rights.

Trump was the last president to deliver a speech at West Point's graduation ceremony, in 2020.