Biden has limited ability to issue executive orders on border security with Mexico, Democratic lawmaker says

US President Joe Biden has a “limited ability” to strengthen security at the US-Mexico border through executive action, a Democratic lawmaker said Sunday, arguing that the issue should be addressed with laws in The congress.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat who negotiated a bipartisan border security bill this year, said on CBS News' “Face the Nation” that U.S. courts would likely overturn Biden's sweeping measures.

“The president has very limited ability to issue decrees that have an impact on the border. He can’t allocate resources out of thin air,” Murphy said. “If he tried to close parts of the border, I think the courts would throw it out in a matter of weeks.”

Biden, a Democrat seeking another term in the Nov. 5 election, has said his administration is considering executive actions to block migrants at the border after Republicans rejected the bipartisan Senate bill.

Republicans rejected the measure after former President Donald Trump, Biden's Republican rival, came out against it.

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Senate Republicans blocked the bill again last week, and Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson said it does not increase border security and encourages more illegal migration.

The number of migrants detained while illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has fallen this year compared to December's monthly record, a trend that U.S. authorities attribute in part to increased enforcement measures by Mexico.

Murphy said the decline was due to “smart and effective diplomacy between the United States and the Mexican government,” but warned that the decline may not be permanent and that illegal crossings remain high compared to a decade ago.

“We have to recognize that without updating the laws of this country, without sending more resources to the border, we cannot count on the numbers to remain as low as they are,” Murphy said.

White House spokeswoman Karine Jean Pierre said last week that the Senate bill would bring “significant policy changes, resources and personnel needed to secure our border and make our country safer.”

Migrants and asylum seekers transit through Mexico to the United States fleeing violence, economic hardship and the negative effects of climate change, according to the United Nations.