Judge refuses to delay Trump's trial for bribery of Stormy Daniels


A New York appeals court judge denied former US President Donald Trump's request to delay his first criminal trial, related to alleged payments to porn actress Stormy Daniels.

According to local media, Trump's lawyers asked yesterday in an emergency hearing before the appeals court to postpone the trial, which is scheduled to begin on April 15, and to change its venue.

Associate Judge Lizbeth González denied that appeal, as reported on Tuesday by CNN and other media.

The lawyers had argued that Trump would not be able to get a fair trial in New York.

The former Republican president faces 34 counts of fraud for falsifying documents to hide payments made in 2016, during his presidential campaign, to porn actress Stormy Daniels to buy her silence about an alleged extramarital relationship, something that Trump denies.

The New York trial is the first in history of a criminal nature opened against a former president of the United States and would begin on April 15 with jury selection.

On April 2, Judge Juan Merchan expanded the gag law applied to Republican Donald Trump, in the criminal trial that begins on April 15, to prohibit him from making comments about both the judge's family and that of prosecutor Alvin Bragg.

The order amended another that was issued, which prohibited him from making comments about potential witnesses, lawyers, court officials and even relatives of the prosecutors or lawyers, but which did not include Merchan or Bragg or their relatives, the court said. newspaper The New York Times.